O mně

One of the most significant decisions a person can make is to prepare for the future of their loved ones.  Boone Law, an Estate Planning Firm is dedicated to walking alongside individuals and families to navigate the nuances of preserving their estate for future generations.  As a trusted advisor, I serve my clients by listening to understand their goals and providing counsel that best meets their needs. -Kristal Boone, Attorney

Skupinové události

Pracovní hodiny v týdnu

den Čas
Pondělí nedostupné
Úterý 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Středa nedostupné
Čtvrtek 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Pátek 09:00AM - 12:00PM

Pracovní hodiny o víkendu

Weekend Čas
Sobota nedostupné
Neděle nedostupné